
2011 Growlers Gulch Race Schedule

Hi Ladies,
Its been a while since I last posted. We've still been out riding when we can but it seems that everyone has had a pretty full schedule the last couple of months.

Mel Norris is leading a fun and easy paced ride this Saturday, January 17, at 10 am. Prepare to get muddy! It will most likely be raining, be sure to bring rain gear. Let me or Mel know if you plan on coming out.

The 2011 Growlers Gulch Race schedule has been posted. The dates are below. For a description of the events please visit Jim LeMonds' website at 2011 GG Race Schedule.

Growlers Gulch 5,000 - May 21
Tour de Gulch XIV - June 18
GG Super D - September 17
Growlers Gulch TT - October 1
Growlers Gulch Climbing Championship - October 22